Jenna Sweet

Jenna Sweet

  • City: Charleroi
  • Country: Belgium
  • Age: 21
  • Height: 5.42
  • Weight: 104
  • Stats: 34/23/33

Jenna is like a deliciously delicate dessert from Belgium. The kind that is so pretty to look at, it takes you a minute before you are ready to dig-in and taste it for the first time. Long legs and lanky arms may make you think she moves awkwardly, but once you see her dancing you’ll find out just how fluid her body can be. She’s oh sooooo sweet! Jenna Sweet is Jenni in the Classic cards collection.


Jenna Sweet - Motel 69
Jenna Sweet - Granny smith
Jenna Sweet - Little Bluebird
Jenna Sweet - Jungle soldier